Pre & Post Care for laser hair removal
It is essential that the pre-treatment preparation and aftercare advice is strictly adhered to. Failure to do so will result in being turned away from your appointment, and the clinic cannot be held responsible for any adverse effects if this advice isn’t followed
You MUST shave on the day of your appointment - it will not be possible to undertake treatment unless you have achieved a clean shave, with the hair below the surface of the skin
Wear loose clothing to your appointment, tight fitting clothing may cause irritation and redness after treatment
No deodorant, lotions or products on the skin on the day of your appointment
Do not wear any make-up or skincare products if you’re having laser treatment on the face
Do not use any oil-based products 24 hours before your treatment
Stop using Roaccutane 6 months prior to laser treatment
Avoid sun exposure/sun beds 10 days prior to laser treatment
Avoid any self-tan 10 days before treatment
Avoid photosensitive medication for 1 week prior to treatment
Inform your practitioner of any medical changes or if there’s any chance you could be pregnant
No deodorant, make up or any products on the skin in the treatment area for the rest of the day after treatment - only SPF 50 and aloe vera gel
No exercise for 24 hours after treatment
No sauna/steam room/hot baths etc for 48 hours after treatment
Apply aloe vera gel for at least 48 hours after treatment
Avoid self-tan for 48 hours after treatment
Avoid sun exposure/sun beds for 10 days after treatment
10 days after treatment, you should begin to exfoliate with gloves a minimum of 2-3 times per week until your next session (this helps the hairs to shed)
Do not use any other method of hair removal except shaving - no plucking, waxing, threading or epilating as the hairs need to be present in the follicle
Continue shaving between sessions